Katie Englert's visual website

Author Archive

July 2024

one picture, one day at a time

July 13

morning light

July 12

where I live CXXXV

July 11

maps 23

July 10

wise words

July 9

en route 99

July 8

sisters play

July 7


July 6

campus spaces 145

July 5

not so new 52

July 4

a cat’s life – beggar

July 3

en route 98

July 2

through the kitchen window

July 1

the chicken coop CXXXVII

June 2024

June 30

a cat’s life – day dreaming

June 29

Utah bathroom 57

June 28

en route 97

June 27

back to roots

June 26

city mural 16

June 25

Playground XLI

June 24

it’s a sail boat 10

June 23

it’s a sailboat 9

June 22

up north bathroom 2

June 21

it’s a sailboat 8

June 20

post office 49839

June 19

Playground XL

June 18

the kitchen window #50

June 17

sleeping beauty

June 16

it’s a sailboat 7

June 15

mailboxes 33

June 14

Playground XXXIX

June 13

on the farm

June 12

up north bathroom 1

June 11

Arizona strip

June 10

not so new 51

June 9

flowery curtains

June 8

the kitchen window #49

June 7


June 6

mailboxes 32

June 5

marble magic 4

June 4

marble magic 3

June 3

en route 96

June 2

AZ toilets 1

June 1

Arizona pines 2

May 2024

May 31

Arizona pines

May 30

Oh, Utah 64

May 29

backyard bliss 77

May 28

domestic duty 1

May 27

north rim in the morning

May 26

north rim at night

May 25

en route 95

May 24

Oh, Utah 63

May 23

Chris on wall street

May 22

end of semester plant

May 21

a cat’s life – steps

May 20

marble magic 2

May 19

marble magic 1

May 18

a cat’s life – poised

May 17

yard sale ready

May 16


May 15

the chicken coop CXXXVI

May 14

blossoming peonies

May 13

Oh, Utah 62

May 12

where I live CXXXIV

May 11

oh, Utah 61

May 10

a cat’s life – new door

May 9

backyard bliss 76

May 8

a cat’s life – wedged

May 7

campus spaces 144

May 6

the chicken coop CXXXV

May 5

snow day

May 4

faucet 1

May 3

Brynn Wrankle

May 2

backyard bliss 75

May 1

campus spaces 143

April 2024

April 30

campus spaces 142

April 29

a cat’s life – couch potato

April 28

en route 94

April 27

collector’s item LXXXIV

April 26

2024 SUU Graduation

April 25

Last Chance to Dance

April 24

a cat’s life – newbie

April 23

the chicken coop CXXXIV

April 22

the chicken coop CXXXIII

April 21

orange juice

April 20

morning light

April 19

not so new 50

April 18

graduate gifts

April 17

a cat’s life – sunshine

April 16

a cat’s life – let me in

April 15

backyard bliss 74

April 14

fruitea 4

April 13

charcuterie board 1

April 12

where I live CXXXIII

April 11

ultimate plant house

April 10

where I live CXXXII

April 9

fruitea 3

April 8

campus spaces 141

April 7

the chicken coop CXXXII

April 6


April 5

collector’s item LXXXIII

April 4

LIB 201A-2

April 3

ink 23

April 2

2024 Drag Brunch

April 1


March 2024

Mar 31

Lori and Russell

Mar 30

hotel decor

Mar 29

2024 WRHC Conference

Mar 28

UC Long Beach Vietnamese Student Club

Mar 27

a cat’s life – human shoes

Mar 26

2024 Festival of Excellence

Mar 25

a cat’s life – wood pile 2

Mar 24

the chicken coop CXXXI

Mar 23

best sweater ever

Mar 22

collector’s item LXXXII

Mar 21

where I live CXXXI

Mar 20

the chicken coop CXXX

Mar 19

LIB 201A-1

Mar 18

a cat’s life – dinner time

Mar 17

Duo LinLynn

Mar 16

cooking pasta

Mar 15

making pasta

Mar 14

campus spaces 141

Mar 13


Mar 12

HONR 2010 knowledge

Mar 11

a cat’s life – the berry that cares

Mar 10

campus spaces 140

Mar 9

the chicken coop CXXIX

Mar 8

a cat’s life – porch kitties

Mar 7


Mar 6

campus spaces 139

Mar 5

Talia’s speaker series

Mar 4

Theydon horse farm

Mar 3

solving world problems

Mar 2

the kitchen window #48

Mar 1

en route 93

February 2024

Feb 29

crazy coqs

Feb 28

Woman in red

Feb 27

London bathroom 1

Feb 26

London corners 1

Feb 25

city mural 15

Feb 24

fruitea 2

Feb 23

the chicken coop CXXVIII

Feb 22

a cat’s life – wood pile

Feb 21


Feb 20

campus spaces 138

Feb 19

campus spaces 137

Feb 18

breakfast dinner

Feb 17

ski patrol 25

Feb 16

fruitea 1

Feb 15

campus spaces 136

Feb 14


Feb 13

where I live CXXX

Feb 12

campus spaces 135

Feb 11

backyard bliss 73

Feb 10

oh, Utah 60

Feb 9

campus spaces 134

Feb 8

campus spaces 133

Feb 7

Honors Hors D’oeuvres

Feb 6

scenes from Cedar 74

Feb 5

a cat’s life – smug

Feb 4

ski patrol 24

Feb 3


Feb 2

where I live CXXIX

Feb 1

SUU’s Prophet Johnson (16)

January 2024

Jan 31

scenes from Cedar 73

Jan 30

HONR 2010 Knowledge with Professor Nickerson

Jan 29

a cat’s life – naps

Jan 28

scenes from Cedar 72

Jan 27

SUU Daylani Ballena (22)

Jan 26

campus spaces 132

Jan 25

the chicken coop CXXVII

Jan 24

tabling 1

Jan 23

collector’s item LXXXI

Jan 22

a cat’s life – human care

Jan 21

ski patrol 23

Jan 20

magnets LXXXIV

Jan 19

truck stop presents

Jan 18

scenes from Cedar 71

Jan 17

ink 22

Jan 16

campus spaces 131

Jan 15

a cat’s life – fence queen

Jan 14

scenes from Cedar 71

Jan 13

a cat’s life – porch kitties

Jan 12

backyard bliss 72

Jan 11

campus spaces 130

Jan 10

a cat’s life – smooches

Jan 9

the chicken coop CXXVI

Jan 8

campus space 129

Jan 7

campus spaces 128

Jan 6

rest in peace CXXV

Jan 5

campus spaces 127

Jan 4

the chicken coop – snow prints

Jan 3

campus spaces 126

Jan 2

a cat’s life – morning light

Jan 1

en route 92

December 2023

Dec 31

Panama countryside

Dec 30

en route 91

Dec 29

downtown Baños

Dec 28

Pailon del diablo

Dec 27

to rinse/to cleanse

Dec 26

tagged 23

Dec 25

rest in peace CXXIV

Dec 24


Dec 23

Ben’s happy space

Dec 22

Baños, Ecuador

Dec 21

Quito at night

Dec 20

street dancing

Dec 19

Old Town, Quito

Dec 18

en route 90

Dec 17

Panama City, Panama

Dec 16

the chicken coop CXXXIV

Dec 15

campus spaces 125

Dec 14

scenes from Cedar 70

Dec 13

a cat’s life – window affairs

Dec 12

Marci’s biz

Dec 11

the chicken coop CXXXIII

Dec 10

a cat’s life – gossip bench nap

Dec 9

a cat’s life – siblings

Dec 8

campus spaces 124

Dec 7

campus spaces 123

Dec 6

47 years today

Dec 5


Dec 4

campus spaces 122

Dec 3

scenes from Cedar 69

Dec 2

colorful items

Dec 1

pet pig Arnold

November 2023

Nov 30

ink 21

Nov 29

campus spaces 121

Nov 28

campus spaces 120

Nov 27

a cat’s life – making forts

Nov 26

a cat’s life – Miso lounging

Nov 25

the kitchen window #47

Nov 24

where I live CXXVIII

Nov 23


Nov 22

scenes from Cedar 68

Nov 21

wood and chains ceiling

Nov 20

collector’s item LXXX

Nov 19

pins 6

Nov 18

VRAR Faculty Cohort retreat

Nov 17


Nov 16

campus spaces 119

Nov 15

the chicken coop CXXXII

Nov 14

city mural 14

Nov 13

a cat’s life – Sevi and Miso

Nov 12

heads up, heads down 2

Nov 11

not so new 49

Nov 10

NCHC dissemination

Nov 9

Chicago by day

Nov 8

Chicago by night

Nov 7

pole stickers

Nov 6

campus spaces 118

Nov 5

climbing rocks

Nov 4

Oh, Utah 59

Nov 3

Judah and Keri

Nov 2

Utah bathroom 56

Nov 1


October 2023

Oct 31

the chicken coop CXXXI

Oct 30

post office 84726

Oct 29

a cat’s life – wood pile

Oct 28

brewery tools

Oct 27

backyard bliss 71

Oct 26

marco moments 1

Oct 25

pins 5

Oct 24

campus spaces 117

Oct 23

found art 7

Oct 22

scenes from Cedar 67

Oct 21

a cat’s life – cat trapped

Oct 20

bumper stickers 95

Oct 19

scenes from Cedar 66

Oct 18

Ruby Horsethief on the Colorado III

Oct 17

Ruby Horsethief on the Colorado II

Oct 16

Ruby Horsethief on the Colorado I

Oct 15

post office 84565

Oct 14

a cat’s life – total eclipse

Oct 13

harvest IX

Oct 12

campus spaces 116

Oct 11

campus spaces 115

Oct 10

HONR 2010 Interdisciplinary Topics (Control)

Oct 9

stuff n things

Oct 8

en route 89

Oct 7

it’s a sign XX

Oct 6

More and then some

Oct 5

it’s a sign XIX

Oct 4

wildflowers 1

Oct 3

campus spaces 114

Oct 2

the chicken coop CXXX

Oct 1

Utah bathroom 55

September 2023

Sept 30

Mammoth Creek

Sept 29

Oh, Utah 58

Sept 28

soccer stadium

Sept 27

en route 88

Sept 26

business cards

Sept 25

campus spaces 113

Sept 24

living room shadows 3

Sept 23

Oh, Utah 57

Sept 22

affirmation 5

Sept 21

Oh, Utah 56

Sept 20

ink 20

Sept 19

a cat’s life – loafing

Sept 18

living room shadows 2

Sept 17


Sept 16

beehive maintenance 2

Sept 15

backyard bliss 70

Sept 14

HONR 2010 take aways

Sept 13

scenes from Cedar 65

Sept 12

campus spaces 112

Sept 11

the chicken coop CXXIX

Sept 10

new growth

Sept 9

beehive maintenance

Sept 8

cowboy chicken

Sept 7

campus spaces 111

Sept 6

harvest VIII

Sept 5

the chicken coop CXXVIII

Sept 4

harvest VII

Sept 3

collector’s item LXXIX

Sept 2

A.O.Elle 90s band

Sept 1

harvest VI

August 2023

Aug 31

string of pearls

Aug 30

bumper stickers 94

Aug 29

campus spaces 110

Aug 28

campus spaces 109

Aug 27

the chicken coop CXXVII

Aug 26

Nora and Arlo

Aug 25

the chicken coop CXXVI

Aug 24

campus space 108

Aug 23

campus spaces 107

Aug 22

the chicken coop CXXV

Aug 21

bumper stickers 93

Aug 20


Aug 19

beautiful beets

Aug 18

The Office in the Office

Aug 17


Aug 16

campus spaces 106

Aug 15

a cat’s life – Mama Miso

Aug 14

the chicken coop CXXIV

Aug 13

backyard bliss 69

Aug 12

the chicken coop CXXIII (aka chicken legs)

Aug 11

so. many. straps

Aug 10

heading home

Aug 9

ready to launch

Aug 8

tent view

Aug 7

2023 river trip

Aug 6

Monument Valley

Aug 5

so. many. sunflowers.

Aug 4

passing purple

Aug 3

bumper stickers 92

Aug 2

Utah bathroom 54

Aug 1

en route 87

July 2023

July 31

it’s a sign XVIII

July 30

compost sunflowers

July 29

so. much. lettuce.

July 28

the chicken coop CXXII

July 27


July 26

a cat’s life – hiding in sunflowers

July 25

backyard bliss 68

July 24

not so new 48

July 23

Diego’s work

July 22

Mexican market

July 21

en route 86

July 20

heads up, heads down 1

July 19

a cat’s life – porch kitty

July 18

backyard bliss 67

July 17

gone wild 1

July 16

morning light

July 15

backyard bliss 66

July 14

house projects

July 13


July 12

city mural 13

July 11

bumper stickers 91

July 10

found art 6

July 9


July 8


July 7

city mural 12

July 6

Oh, Utah 55

July 5

not so new 47

July 4

backyard bliss 65

July 3

a cat’s life – taking chances

July 2

not so new 46

July 1

backyard bbq

June 2023

June 30

backyard bliss 64

June 29

office cacti

June 28

backyard bliss 63

June 27

backyard bliss 62

June 26


June 25

Oh, Utah 54

June 24

adventures with Dad

June 23

Dad photographs

June 22

sailing silhouette

June 21

Oh, Utah 53

June 20

rest in peace CXXIII

June 19

not so new 45

June 18


June 17

handsome Daniel

June 16

backyard bliss 61

June 15


June 14

the chicken coop CXXI

June 13

it’s a sign XVII

June 12

by Carrie Trenholm

June 11

Cathedral Gorge

June 10

boat life 2

June 9

boat life 1

June 8

painted by Linda

June 7

bumper stickers 90

June 6

side yard planted

June 5

house projects 1

June 4

backyard bliss 60

June 3


June 2

en route 85

June 1

Utah bathroom 53

May 2023

May 31

side yard during

May 30

ink 19

May 29

it’s a sign XVI

May 28

Virgin River Gorge

May 27

backyard bliss 59

May 26

peonies 3

May 25

a cat’s life – beggars

May 24

en route 84

May 23

police call box

May 22

a cat’s life – balance

May 21

peonies 2

May 20

a cat’s life – summer sleepin’

May 19

Drag saves lives

May 18

backyard bliss 58

May 17


May 16

side yard before

May 15

living room shadows

May 14

a cat’s life – Atticus

May 13

peonies 1

May 12

en route 83

May 11

Where funny happens

May 10

They Might Be Giants

May 9

John Meisner ARVR lab

May 8

scenes from Cedar 65

May 7

yard work

May 6

magnets LXXXIV

May 5

a cat’s life – poser

May 4

Star Wars theme

May 3

Frida skirt

May 2

a cat’s life – vaccinations for the other one

May 1

a cat’s life – yawn

April 2023

April 30

oh, Utah 53

April 29

Gooseberry Mesa

April 28

fixing bikes

April 27

campus spaces 106

April 26

a cat’s life – vaccinations

April 25

affirmation 4

April 24

handmade 11

April 23


April 22

printed pots

April 21

Dr. Laura Davis

April 20

23 SP HONR 2010

April 19

made up

April 18

Bloom collaboration

April 17

printed pot

April 16

local owl

April 15

it’s a sign XVI

April 14

city mural 12

April 13


April 12

collector’s item LXXVIV

April 11

punk contract

April 10

laptop decor 19

April 9


April 8


April 7

a cat’s life – rabbitlike

April 6

en route 83

April 5

wicked shadow

April 4

affirmation 3

April 3

2023 SUU Drag brunch

April 2

pasta night

April 1

Uni of Montana

March 2023

March 31

city mural 11

March 30

Missoula barber

March 29

it’s a sign XV

March 28

2023 Festival of Excellence

March 27

a cat’s life – cocktail hour

March 26

pinch pots

March 25

Into the Field I

March 24

Dr. Nicole Dib

March 23

SUU Walk out

March 22

a cat’s life – sombrero head

March 21

tagged 22

March 20

campus spaces 105

March 19

where I live CXXVII

March 18

a cat’s life – waiting for pets

March 17

collector’s item LXXVIII

March 16

backyard bliss 58

March 15

XR Southern Summit I

March 14

a cat’s life – you got food?

March 13

scenes from Cedar 64

March 12

en route 82

March 11

magnets LXXXIII

March 10

pinching pots

March 9

Dr. Gretchen Ellefson in HONR 2010

March 8

campus spaces 104

March 7

it’s a sign XV

March 6

playground XXXVIX

March 5

ski patrol 22

March 4

scenes from Cedar 63

March 3

a cat’s life – cat trapped

March 2

Crochet Museum

March 1

Joshua Tree

February 2023

Feb 28

collector’s item LXXVII

Feb 27

House Chef

Feb 26

backyard bliss 57

Feb 25

ink 18

Feb 24

ink 17

Feb 23

HONR 2010 making connections

Feb 22

Honors Hors D’oeuvres

Feb 21

Honors Rad Seminar

Feb 20

the chicken coop CXX

Feb 19

a cat’s life – hair care

Feb 18

ski patrol 21

Feb 17

collector’s item LXXVI

Feb 16


Feb 15

snow storm

Feb 14

the chicken coop CXIX

Feb 13

campus spaces 103

Feb 12

Oh, Utah 52

Feb 11

ski patrol 20

Feb 10

ski patrol 19

Feb 9

campus spaces 102

Feb 8

Honors Living Learning Community

Feb 7

laptop decor 18

Feb 6

a cat’s life – Mama Miso

Feb 5

playground XXXVIII

Feb 4

Nora and Arlo

Feb 3

the chicken coop CXVIII

Feb 2

office plant

Feb 1

Emily’s eyes

January 2023

Jan 31


Jan 30

a cat’s life – cold paws

Jan 29

rest in peace CXXII

Jan 28

scenes from Cedar 62

Jan 27

it’s a sign XIV

Jan 26

campus spaces 101

Jan 25

long board 1

Jan 24

a cat’s life – one eye open

Jan 23

city mural 10

Jan 22

the chicken coop CXVII

Jan 21

satellite salon

Jan 20

it’s a sign XIII

Jan 19

campus spaces 100

Jan 18

campus spaces 99

Jan 17

en route 81

Jan 16

parking lot portraits 1

Jan 15

heading home

Jan 14

rained out

Jan 13

Nicole’s purple satchel

Jan 12

campus spaces 98

Jan 11

Honors hors d’oeuvres

Jan 10

Nihon tabemono

Jan 9

affirmation 2

Jan 8

oh, Utah 51

Jan 7

found art 5

Jan 6

SUU Resource fair

Jan 5

destruction 1

Jan 4

campus spaces 97

Jan 3

collector’s item LXXV

Jan 2

en route 80

Jan 1

scenes from Cedar 60

December 2022

Dec 31

ski patrol 18

Dec 30

a cat’s life – chicken wannabe

Dec 29

the chicken coop CXVI

Dec 28

a cat’s life – trash cat

Dec 27

a cat’s life – cat tree

Dec 26

en route 79

Dec 25

it’s a zoom Christmas

Dec 24

adventures with Ben

Dec 23

Katie bakes!

Dec 22

scenes from Cedar 59

Dec 21

holiday treats

Dec 20

handmade 11

Dec 19

scenes from Cedar 58

Dec 18

affirmation 1

Dec 17

a cat’s life – curious

Dec 16

almost done

Dec 15


Dec 14

the chicken coop CXV

Dec 13

ink 16

Dec 12

en route 78

Dec 11

ski patrol 17

Dec 10

magnets LXXXII

Dec 9

party time

Dec 8

b-day present

Dec 7

3rd annual Fall Honors Symposium

Dec 6

46 years today

Dec 5

SUU percussion ensemble

Dec 4

the chicken coop CXIV

Dec 3

on the farm 1

Dec 2

bumper stickers 89

Dec 1

a cat’s life – climbing trees

November 2022

Nov 30

beehive state 1

Nov 29

magnets LXXXI

Nov 28

backyard bliss 56

Nov 27

pacific northwest

Nov 26

PDX bathroom #102

Nov 25


Nov 24

Thanksgiving family photo

Nov 23


Nov 22

art studio

Nov 21

en route 77

Nov 20

Biggs portrait party

Nov 19

whiskey bar

Nov 18

bumper stickers 88

Nov 17

oh deer! 7

Nov 16

Honors hors d’oeuvres

Nov 15


Nov 14

More than one incident

Nov 13

where I live CVXIII

Nov 12

Saturday morning

Nov 11

the suburbs

Nov 10


Nov 9

Dave Mathews

Nov 8

Honors Recruitment

Nov 7

Utah bathroom 52

Nov 6

en route 76

Nov 5

Marta is awarded

Nov 4

not so new(s) 44

Nov 3

inclusive NCHC

Nov 2

The Dallas Morning News

Nov 1

Dallas, TX

October 2022

Oct 31

where I live CVXIII

Oct 30

plants by window

Oct 29

Nomad Cafe and Retro RV park

Oct 28

breaking glass

Oct 27

en route 75

Oct 26

backpack pins 4

Oct 25

desk I

Oct 24

a cat’s life – dinner time?

Oct 23

Darkwood Duo

Oct 22

harvest IV

Oct 21

campus spaces 96

Oct 20

the chicken coop CXIII

Oct 19

RAD Seminar with John Belk

Oct 18

a cat’s life – hunter

Oct 17

a cat’s life – in a tree

Oct 16


Oct 15

Anne’s brood

Oct 14

backyard concert

Oct 13

bumper stickers 87

Oct 12

tire planters

Oct 11

where I live CVXII

Oct 10

Oh, Utah 50

Oct 9

Oh, Utah 49

Oct 8

wall animal 1

Oct 7

Honors Charge

Oct 6

bottle 2

Oct 5

capstone speaker series

Oct 4

campus spaces 95

Oct 3

eye of a horse

Oct 2

Oh, Utah 48

Oct 1

fences 5

September 2022

Sept 30

string of skulls

Sept 29

a cat’s life – upside down

Sept 28


Sept 27

campus spaces 94

Sept 26

rest in peace CXXI

Sept 25

north rim

Sept 24


Sept 23

SUU Presidential inauguration

Sept 22


Sept 21

campus spaces 93

Sept 20

city mural 9

Sept 19

harvest III

Sept 18

Oh, Utah 47

Sept 17

Gemma 2

Sept 16

King Billy

Sept 15

harvest II

Sept 14

maps 22

Sept 13

backyard bliss 55

Sept 12

collector’s item LXXIV

Sept 11


Sept 10


Sept 9

Librarian’s pins

Sept 8

apron pins

Sept 7

the chicken coop CXII

Sept 6

en route 74

Sept 5

collector’s item LXXIII

Sept 4


Sept 3

magnets LXXX

Sept 2

Paint the Town Red

Sept 1

scenes from Cedar 57

August 2022

Aug 31

campus spaces 92

Aug 30

campus spaces 91

Aug 29


Aug 28

a cat’s life – community cats

Aug 27

ink 15

Aug 26

campus spaces 90

Aug 25

campus spaces 89

Aug 24

the chicken coop CXI

Aug 23

backyard bliss 54

Aug 22

Ties 6

Aug 21

harvest I

Aug 20

Oh, Utah 46

Aug 19

the chicken coop CX

Aug 18

mask 8

Aug 17

scenes from Cedar 56

Aug 16

a cat’s life – waiting

Aug 15

backyard bliss 53

Aug 14

the chicken coop CIX

Aug 13


Aug 12

hats 1

Aug 11

new office digs

Aug 10

a cat’s life – happy cat

Aug 9

maps 21

Aug 8

Ties 5

Aug 7

still drying out

Aug 6

drying out

Aug 5

Oh, Utah 45

Aug 4

The Biggs

Aug 3

making decisions

Aug 2

Josh and Ben

Aug 1

Maeve and Tim

Copyright © All images on http://katieenglert.com belong to Katie Englert 2022 All Rights Reserved.