April 30
off Broadway 12
April 29
Lake Menomin VI
April 28
magnets XXXIII
April 27
rest in peace LXVIII
April 26
emerging leaf
April 25
bumper stickers 24
April 24
where I live LXXII
April 23
midwest spring
April 22
mama bear 7
April 21
playground XXVII
April 20
farm remnants
April 19
post office 45373
April 18
Matt’s messes
April 17
wiping out Trump
April 16
sandwich maker
April 15
ladies laughing
April 14
April 13
collector’s item XXV
April 12
WI bathroom #11
April 11
where I live LXXI
April 10
white beech
April 9
bridges of Dunn County 7
April 8
Wookiee cleaves
April 7
coloring for feminism
April 6
plant bloom
April 5
en route 15
April 4
the cat box
April 3
bridges of Dunn County 6
April 2
feelin’ the Bern
April 1
ink 6
April 3, 2016 | Categories: 2016, April 16, One Day At A Time | Leave A Comment »