July 31

rear view 2
July 30

PDX bathroom #49
July 29

bumper stickers 5
July 28

neighborhood library 1
July 27

Grimm’s snake
July 26

the kitchen window #6
July 25

SE Orange & Division
July 24

bike rack skull
July 23

Tingley’s transformer
July 22

fake chooks
July 21

nap time
July 20

Cowgirl Lexi
July 19

post river float
July 18

the Tonic Lounge
July 17

July 16

July 15

duck out of water
July 14

back porch
July 13

Amara of the stars
July 12

Mr. T beard
July 11

the Willamette
July 10

SE 2nd & Main
July 9

back of the bike
July 8

the kitchen window #5
July 7

skull patch
July 6

cheer leader
July 5

not so new 1
July 4

July 3

where I live XXXV
July 2

keepin’ it cool
July 1

river beard
July 4, 2013 | Categories: 2013, July 2013, One Day At A Time | Leave A Comment »